Types of composing an essay-best that is good

Types of composing an essay-best that is good

Last student essay winners

Alpha Omega Alpha is honored to announce the 2019 Helen H. Glaser scholar Essay Awardees. The prize is provided to encourage students that are medical compose imaginative narratives or scholarly essays highly relevant to medication. The essays that are winning be published in the Autumn 2019 version for the Pharos.

First Prize $2,000 The cost of drugs: a brief overview of this Kefauver-Harris Amendment by Reid Wilkening, University of Illinois at Chicago university of Medicine

Second Prize $800The Louse Manifesto by Prisca Alilio, University of Southern Florida wellness Morsani university of Medicine

Third Prize $550Don Ze Pill by Rebecca Grossman-Kahn, University of Michigan Medical class

Congratulations to any or all.

Purpose To encourage students that are medical compose imaginative narratives or scholarly essays highly relevant to medication. Book of winning essays when you look at the Pharos offers the pupil using the ever-important accomplishment to getting articles posted. Read more